Messmer is brutal. Do I need to change my Royal Greatsword build?
Guts/strength build advice?
Elf Island Casca by me
Original Character!
What's the best compliment you've ever received?
Found my middle school sketchbook, here's a few Ed doodles I did
Oh wise spirits, what's the WiFi password for the afterlife?
Zašto je dobijanje orala bolje od ostatka seksa?
dosadno mi je da zivim sama
Do you wanna ____ a snowman?
kafka collage 01
My small but dear collection of Kafka's works
Kako da resim s dečkom iz klupe?
Dont know a movies/series name
Zna li neko šta se desilo sa Duluvrom?
Starting my first manga, wish me luck!
Sex lights? What colour is best?
What facial expression is :3 supposed to represent?
If you ____ I'll ____. And if you don't I'll ____ anyways.
If you spell out the ABC's backwards I'll come out to my grandparents.
How would you rate lucy and David romance out of 10?
Precious Rebecca
studentski dom
Da li je matura bitna za upis fakulteta
Upis za FTN ili pravni iskustva i preporuke🥲