‘29 candidates drop your major of choice
For current cadets/ alumni:
How early is too early to ask someone to go on a road trip together?
What does my counties-and-equivalents map say about me?
Spurs money line? Must not be profitable
What’s the deal with these admissions consulting services?
My home-made travel map
Guys asks for casual sex but wants me to text him everyday
What’s my map say about me?
Guess who my dad worked for
Flying this afternoon
Realized my map is way more boring than I thought it would be. What does my map say about me?
My go to order 👀😎
What does my travel map say about me?
Need help with silly unconventional names
My new kitten ❤️ Please help me name him! :)
What are the regulations for political opinions as a service member of the military?
Hard to fill locations
Best quesadilla in Denver?
Hotels in this area ?
Chula Vista Street Photography
Bet you can't guess why I was in san francisco
What does this say about me?
Which Republican presidential candidate (since 2000) has received the largest percentage of the vote in each US state
Assume something about me based on where I’ve traveled