i (f27) found by boyfriend (m32) texting another girl again and i want to leave. what might be my best exit strategy?
I asked him if he wanted to marry me—
Let's say that your username is the cause or your death, what will happen to you?
What’s the worst physical pain you have ever felt?
What do you think is the LEAST licked body part?
Tell me what to do with this space
Where to find women’s painters pants?
At what point in the relationship (time-wise) did you realize you were in an abusive relationship?
AIO thinking about breaking up with my BF
My(22m) girlfriend(23f) wants to buy a house - we've never lived together - should we rent first?
27 m straight - what should I do with this weird spot near the ceiling?
Who is the most immature adult you know?
what was your first healthy relationship that had to end and why?
Why are you NOT afraid of death?
Tell me about your abusers karma.
What bras do you guys like to buy?
You’re in hell. What song is playing?
What happened when your significant other was great for you as a person but not a great partner?
i just broke up our engagement. i started waking up when he sent me these texts over me getting a matching ear piercing with my sister.
What band can you not stand?
What’s one thing in life you’re proud of yourself for?
I hate my boyfriend.
What’s the first major news story you remember as a kid?
If someone were borrowing your body for the day, what features or quirks would you have to warn them about ?