Proof of gun being held to me?
What’s the quickest thing someone can say for you to block them?
If my abuser has a court date in Pennsylvania, will he get arrested there for warrant in Delaware?
Ex is still threatening me from random numbers..
Tell me about your abusers karma.
Anyone else just scared of men now?
I finally got the courage to report my abuser last night.. and I feel guilty.
Serious what was the worst day of your life?
Of all the famous people in the world, which one do you think you would most likely be friends with if you knew each other?
How do you know if you’re dealing with a narcissist?
Sex and their needs above all
When did you finally leave and decided no more chances?
How has your physical appearance impacted your life, for better or worse?
What's the one thing that everyone pretends to enjoy but isn't enjoyable at all?
First sober Thanksgiving in over 10 years.
Wasted on live again
Why did your last relationship fail?
what makes it "mindblowing" sex to you?
For people who stopped drinking.. what made you stop?
“F you Reddit”
Makes me sick that my brain thought of it 🤮 😂 Does she snort doing the deed 🚫 🤢 🐷
It’s painfully obvious
Did she really have to blow that breath in her face like that?? 😷
If you could commit one crime without ever being caught, what would you do?