Reddit is Still the Enemy
Wasted on live again
Eric’s live
Report her account
Is Cheyenne really 27?
I guess Erics upset! Lets see he lives in filth with his scammer gf.No job!!
It must suck having a whole stable in your leg (I’m assuming it’s the leg)
Gina is a bad liar!
I’m doing a timeline for you all . This is from July to August 5. Does it look and sound familiar to you guys are your eyes open yet so who’s gonna put all this on TikTok? Eric run!!! You can do better or are you going to fix her?
Caught the end of the live Guess she’s been cleaning and has the worst attitude lol 😂
Gina admits to lying pt.1
Rtoyota45 🙌🏼
It’s a little silly
@QueenGinaSnark is this her Dad
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Gina's new MODS using slurs. I censored out the slurs so we don't get in trouble with reddit. I also added their pictures so you can get an idea of who's talking and what they look like. Match the voice to the face.
GINA🤣🙄🤣🙄 This proves NOTHING... You're STILL a liar 🤣
I'm going to upload tonight's full live
Live on mom and daughter channel