Goodbye dogecoin
After reinstalling Robinhood for the first time in 3 years this is what I see
Why is this happening with my creatine
Choosing between creatine and my wife
The world is rigged
This is it. In the billions of years of the existance of earth, doge is finally going to reach 50 cents
What would you guys recommend i do in my position?
Finally hit 3 plates at 154lbs
Can dogecoin reach 4.20?
Jung’s conception of the shadow came right before the worst atrocities in human history
Dogecoin is the biggest winner of this crypto cycle
Guys, enough with the ‘’is it happening?” stuff please
Back Squat: 125kgs/275lbs (BW: 60kgs/133lbs)
OHP motivation (95KG/209lbs)
Does Jordan Peterson teach a message that is the opposite of one of the main messages in the Bible?
Rule #1: “We welcome challenges, criticism & debate”
Aren’t both sides using the victim/victimizer narrative that Jordan Peterson talks about?
Have you seen his Twitter account today?
Does this look nasty? First attempt. Is it raw, rare or medium rare?
Is telling millions of discontent young men to “be dangerous” really aiming at what is highest?
Why did Alex treat this sponsored boarder so bad?
Why do Americans seem to complain about cultural/behavioral differences with Desis more than they do about East Asians, Hispanics, and Middle Easterners?
Why do the younger Indian guys working in the 7-11 always look cool
Two cute best friends.