What NCAA teams have the most 3 pass floor routines?
An elite fan who's new to NCAA: which team should I root for?
Muscles involved in a backflip
First "No Stupid Questions" post of 2025
Why are you still single?
Looking for a college gymnastics primer!
NCAA - where to start?
What team that isn’t your school’s rival did you hate and, yourself, treated like a rival even if y’all rarely play?
Who is the very 1st Double cork in Tricking ?
Question for Gymnastics Coaches
[Postgame Thread] Texas State Defeats Baylor 42-31
Statement from the Pac-12 Conference:
What’s this season looking like for your SECONDARY flair?
Bryce Young Measures In at 5'10 ⅛ At The Combine
DFW trickers I need your help!!
this one felt clean. I'm open to criticism tho.
Cart Full?
Man paints print with as many college mascots as he can.
my first snapuswipe❤️
wanting to learn sidewinder I decided to learn palm kick sidewinder but my question is.. is it a sidewinder?
Double b twist tips? It’s so close 😅
Tried doing a gumbi, didn’t work out that well… need help
I really want to try cart dub before summer break. Could I attempt it safely?
concrete hurts