AIO for being upset with my bf for choosing to go out and party when we had plans?
My wife's concoction
AIO for responding the way I did because I’m tired of my dad constantly forcing a political lecture into conversations?
Great Fairy Fountains are weirdly sexual, right???
My friends bought me a canvas with our squad on it for my birthday 🎉
My 26M girlfriend 28F chose Liposuction over mental health
is my relationship failing? or do these types of things get better?
I fucked up
AIO if I leave my husband because he wont stop doing "snow" when he drinks?
AIO I cancelled a second date with this guy based on his reaction when I told him I need to move slow
Do I restart the game?
The ethics of "leaving behind" non-CC friendships
AIO over a cup?
My wife (30F) struggles to have a positive relationship with my (30M) parents
What piece of clothing do you refuse to wear to sleep?
AITA for leaving a family gathering and taking the cake with me after getting my feelings hurt?
My moms severe anxiety
I'm alive lol, wisdom teeth update
Im 50. Just broke my personal record. 17 kills in a win.
Do not understand the Korok trials, can someone help before I lose it lol
Struggling to find the way to zoras domain
Am I a bad NMS player turning buy free on?
AITA for telling my friends and family I’m the breadwinner now?