Now I can't unsee the rabbit
It's okay to move on.
when can i vape again
I'm getting wisdom teeth removed tmmr
I went though with wisdom teeth removal
I'm alive lol, wisdom teeth update
Tooth pain!
Is this a dry socket?
how do i clean this shower!?!?(a lot of ppl lived here before me dont judge me ok lol)
What's your favorite Ben & Jerry's flavor of all?
I'm getting addicted to onlyfans but not for nudes
Love is a choice, not a fleeting feeling.
Tips for anal
Sports bra recommendations?
We knew all along
Help me!!!
If you could choose - would you want to be petite (5’0-5’3) or tall (above 5’6)? And why?
How do I tell my 6 year old I’m going to die soon?
my boyfriend & his mother have an incestuous relationship?
What do you miss most from your childhood?
What stop you from killing yourself?
I need haaallppp. My teenager right f*%ked my bathtub with hairdye. Any tips? I'm a renter 😢
The perfect guy...