Just uninstalled decky loader
How do you pick up your deck from the case?
Bose QC ANC Ultra hiss?
30th Anniversary DualSense inner box packaging
Xm4 vs qc vs qc ultra
Immersive Audio
Is it worth it to upgrade from XM4's for ANC on flights?
Exchange options - Bose QC Ultra Headphones
QuietComfort Ultra Quality Control
PS5 streaming, how I went from OK to Flawless experience with Chiaki
Hotel Dusk: Room 215. A hidden gem from the DS. Took me forever to find a DS emulator where I could figure out how to setup the dual screens side by side with the gap in the middle so it would display properly.
Thanks to SteamDeck now I understand why people like retro gaming
Differentials (SPH L:-0.25; R:-0.5). Is Diopter Ratio way too big?
The Steam Deck is the greatest piece of hardware I’ve ever purchased
Updated to Monterey and it's causing problems in headphones
PS5 - Constant White Noise In Headphones With 3.5mm In Controller
how to practice all day awarness?
Crashing at exact same point in 'End of an Era' on PS5
Hitman 3 PS5 crash
Do you believe that Supplements can Help Lucid Dreaming?
Why do you lucid dream?
Why meditation is so powerful
Heard the most stoic phrase from someone who doesn’t even know what stoicism is
Practicing Stoicism through lucid dreaming
What’s a simple way to explain stoicism?