Found 1984 Richer Sounds voucher in attic and will attempt to redeem. What’s the oldest voucher redemption you have managed?
Have I been scammed? Where's my other 0.02Hz?
What's the deal with UE4/5 games having terrible stutters?
Finished kick club... 2000 points off cherry
Prince Moulay Hassan of Morocco avoids hand kisses in every way possible
Fox found headless with sex toy in its bottom in Cheltenham
Thoughts on this Nintendo Switch 2 logo concept?
Look at this brilliant Switch2 animated logo!!
Humble Bundle best of Blender Market is back for 2 days!
The Ardura Caravan
Questions Thread - December 10, 2024
Should I be saving consumables?
Can someone explain to me what the hells going on at Red Bull?
I have a pair of DT 770 Pros and a Moondrop Dawn pro for my pc. How do I get the most out of them?
Best wireless headphones that you can fully turn ANC off?
Bose QC ANC Ultra hiss?
Digital Artist Sanctus presented new procedural paper materials and Geometry Nodes tools coming to Sanctus Library by the end of the month
PC is using up to 80% of RAM capacity, is there a chance that this is bottlenecking? Or does a bottleneck only occur at 100%?
GPU Coil whine when rendering animation?
Got a 4070, not getting decent performance out of it. Is there something wrong with my setup?
Corsair RM650 PSU makes a kind of loose fan sound?
Tifu that the blue stuff is plastic foil, been gaming with that since 2 years
Is this ARGB to SATA connector an effective way to do RGB?
Should cursive letters always be connected? This looks odd, but I see it like this all over.
[Request]: How to mathematically proof that 3 is a smaller number than 10