I'm in LOVE
Favourite Foods
What's the consensus on these yellow laser corys? Are they their own thing or a subspecies/regional color morph of bronze corys?
Juvenille Pygmy Cory Feeding
Cory tree!
2nd Cory to die in 3 days
Tank Stocking Help
30L Cube
Shrimps enjoying cucumber 🥒
First time Cory owner!! They remind me of little puppies?!
Which do you like best?
I gave up
Suggestions for my tank
What causes this
Downstairs neighbour left me a threatening note
Is this Shitty enough?
Is my aquarium shitty? 😞
Got Pygmy Cories a few weeks ago .... Are they eating enough??
Beautiful Cory
Do Corydoras like slower moving currents or many bubbles in their natural habitat?
Someone gave me all this java moss for free