If a pepper hasn’t grown in a week is it dead?
Is minor root growth above the soil level bad?
Anyone know if exercise and health science is hard to get into?
Favourite Foods
Will a low gpa in a recent semester decrease my chances a lot to transfer into a nursing school at a state college?
Little gem lettuce minimum pot size?
Has anyone transferred into a nursing school with a low GPA?
Are frozen green peas a good food for neocaridina shrimp?
When do Fall Transfers typically receive acceptances or rejections?
How often should I be feeding crab cuisine vs sinking algae wafers?
Is the 55m and 60m purely athleticism or technique?
Is this thing dragging a giant poo or a harmful disease?
Is the 55m and 60m purely based off of athleticism or technique?
Experience with long term side effects of hamstring injury and recovery?
Are older pepper plants more vulnerable to change or younger plants?
Are frozen green peas a good food for corydoras?
Are green peas a good food for mollies and swordtails?
Are frozen green peas a good food for mystery snails?
Is it normal my ramshorn is eating my mystery snail’s face?
I think I accidentally started these Longhorns too early…(Zone 6b).
Is it safe to transplant cauliflower seedling that has not grown a set of true leaves?
Best stretches after deadlifting and leg pressing?
Best stretches to do after deadlifting and leg pressing?