Anyone else feel like you’ve lost an ability to experience joy?
I didn't respond to her text and she freaked out
Nmom texted my friend asking if I’m in a cult because I went NC
What bad advice did your Nparent give you
Why do all the girls in the show have the same manicure?
Worth watching seasons 9-11?
Why forgiving is not an option
Should I maintain NC?
Debbie’s job
What lines have people said to you that you took as immediate red flags for toxicity?
Feel like therapy is just a chat - should I find a different therapist?
Friend told me my dad is a good husband for enabling my nmom
Besides this sub Reddit what else do you consume that brings you joy?
“Stop treating us like enemies”
Daughter's: were you an extension of your mother's style choices?
Terrified of my bday
What's the simplest boundary you have set that your nparents despise you for?
"You didn't want to do anything"
My mom gets upset when I’m upset at her
The frustration of watching your partner get bamboozled.
Am I the narcissist ?
I've spent months studying their behavior. The Mind of a Narc; let me explain.
“You don’t sound like yourself”
Should I say happy bday to edad who chose to go NC with me cause nmom told him to?
“You don’t understand what it’s like to be a parent. You’ll get it when you have kids of your own”