Why is everyone our age sick ?
Those lips!!! Sultry Heidi has entered the building.
Does anyone else find that their "life goals" don't look like the average person's?
A big change. Goodbye FB. Thank you, Finch.
Which album do you think executed its intended concept the best? Which was the worst?
Unhinged jaw
Triggered by the incoming president
Can anyone think of characters who portray good parents, but not in an unrealistic, sitcom way?
Why do you like youtube drama?
Parents “accidentally” yelling at kids
Anyone else still refusing to try tik tok?
If you understand this image then it’s time to find a therapist
Easiest ways to get rainbow stones?
The ego. Swipe to photo 2
We already know you're "chasing the snake," Heids.
Rachel and the case of the misspelled email.
LOVE the upcoming 2025 mildliner colors!
Can I release music if I’m a therapist?
How many of you did NOT get rebound from stopping a PPI?
Stoned a little?
Only 6 Amazon ratings so far on Rach’s new book? 🤔
The movies that defined my childhood 😭
Why is my trauma the thing I think about first in the morning?
Had a dream last night that I was lamenting and crying about how everything is a subscription service and we don’t own anything anymore
I honestly think Mark Zuckerberg is ruining Facebook on purpose.