Which instrument is the worst in band.
Type, “ The skull emoji is holy because” and let autocomplete do it thing
I just took a DNA test, turns out I’m 100% _____.
Holy fuck did you just shit in the ____?
What instrument is this? Right answers only.
Name your favourite sub
What is this instrument? Wrong answers only.
Oh my god. They ______ Kenny! You bastard!
It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your ______.
My stomach hurts. I should visit a ____
Playstation or Xbox?
Are you gay?
My New Years resolution: I'm going to stop _______ ing permanently!
There is one bad thing about being a trumpet player, you aren't unique because there are 90 other of them in your band.
Am I a boy, a girl, or something else?
Do not touch the _____-ite! It's dangerous!
This ______ is 99.6% pure.
on a scale of trombone to trombone, how we feeling today?
Who can play 24 on their instrument better?
There are about four people from r/orchestramemes who actually want war
which is worse? orchestra or choir?
Squeaky Strings vs Golden Horns
Will i ever be ____?