I can’t sleep because I’m stressed over ______
Why can't you answer yes and no like the other Ouija, Ouija?
How do (trans) women or nonbinary feel about being referred to as "bro" or "dude"?
Hot take: I think Millie getting an abortion is stupid from a writing perspective
Bought ___ for $1m
I’m a ____ traveler.
Piss is stored in the _____.
How do I get my mom out of her Pokéball?
I'm so hungry I could eat a _____
Why are people so more critical of indie shows?
Spirits, who will replace Justin Trudeau as prime minister of Canada?
I bought a cow to ________ it.
Oh no! Our plane is gonna crash into ___!
I’m done. No more sex with ______.
This world is ____
How did you choose your name.
What should I do?
I tipped my DoorDash driver _______ and he yelped in delight
spirits, what is your favorite subreddit
What should I nickname my genitals?
What comes in a McBento Box?
Spirits, what should I have for breakfast in the morning?