The Inaugural Top Hat Deserves a Comeback
Where will you walk in these?
Herbert Hoover had Hoovervilles named after him and Teddy Roosevelt had the bear named after him. Any other examples of common monikers stemming from presidents?
Weird contradiction regarding Hannibal’s age and the year the show is set in
Announcement: Changes to Rule 3, Memes, and Low-Effort Posts
What would you cover it up with?
How Should I Cover Up This Tattoo?
What makes Mexican food in the US so good?
M24 I gave up fighting progressive hair loss. I'm trying to accept my new version of myself.
What are the best classic mall food court restaurants or other food shops?
Which president do you personally relate to and why?
If you were allowed to move into any of the President’s houses for a month, who’s would you choose? Personally i’d go with Wheatland. (No recent or current President choices, rule 3)
A lot of women in here who have to seperate from their significant other because of the weight or hirsutism due to the fact their ex is a d0uche. I say f it let's just date each other 🤷♀️💀
Virginia church publicly shames unwed mother, then forbids her from having a baby shower | After her tearful apology, the pastor insisted, "When you have a baby out of wedlock, ain’t no baby showers. Nobody at this church better attend one."
Dealing with my mother in law and sister in law who imitate everything i do ..
How old does George W. Bush look?
What do you think?
AITA for asking my sister not to have a baby?
Who was this unidentified man? UP5263. He was found in Forest Preserve Woods near Park Forest in Illinois. He had lots of polish-related items on his person including a Zippo lighter with a polish flag and a plastic bag from Joe & Frank’s Sausage Company. [235 exclusions]
Anyone recognize this John Doe? Found in suburban south Cook County.
Are American families still popular with having many children today?
Do you have any ancestors/family members who fought in notable Wars in American history?
Okay but which is which?
Explain your favourite song from My Chemical Romance the most horrible and horrendous way possible and i have to guess it!
Trans family member doesn’t feel safe attending our Ohio wedding
What party are you affiliated with and why do / don't you own a firearm?