I feel like the loosening of the Rule 3 rule is already being abused and will only be subject to people using it as a way to backdoor discuss modern politics, making this sub lessened and more akin to r / politics.
Welcome Back to r/Presidents Joe Biden!
Was Joe Biden a good vice president? And what was the best thing he did while in office?
Underrated Presidents (Chester Arthur)
Richard Nixon playing the piano (2 performances)
Announcement: Changes to Rule 3, Memes, and Low-Effort Posts
Who was a better president Polk or Cleveland
Who is the most unhateable president?
What is your opinion on the idea of all presidents serving one 6-year term?
Why are Presidents counted twice for serving non-consecutive terms, yet House Speakers that served non-consecutive term are counted once?
131 years ago today, Benjamin Harrison pardons Mormons liable to penalties under Federal statute of March 22, 1882, for practicing polygamy or plural marriage, or engaging in unlawful cohabitation.
I can understand Virginia, but why Ohio?
LEAST controversial President?
Franklin Pierce was an underrated president.
Presidential Tierlist (Very hot takes)
Come, join us.
Grover Cleveland biography recommendations?
Do you think we would ever have an unmarried presidential couple?
What did Chester Arthur do as president?
My Presidential tier list as a European (read description)
Which of these two Elections is closer?
How do you feel about Gerald Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon?
FDR has haters, and even Lincoln has haters. Let’s hear from some people who think Washington is overrated. Why?
Presidential who didn't reach their full potential ?
Which President had the best drip?