I discovered secret message on cover of Please Please Me (only true circlejerkers will be able to decipher this)
Subreddit "schwaebisches"
Petition for u/divingbeatle post tags
There is NO WAY this is actually real😭😭😭😭
Is Doctor Mousebite acoustic?
PV extrem
I Am The Walrus
Was ist der schlechteste Film den Ihr je gesehen habt?
What Beebles songs would you want played at your funeral?
What Dylan songs would you want played at your funeral?
Profis haben Standards
Kommen die denn per DHL? Wer übernimmt den Transport, wenn das Paket beim Nachbarn oder im Paketzentrum abgegeben wird?
Katzenurin im Holzboden
I Am The Walrus, go to bed
Townhouse > all other jabronis
One day you decide to get pissing drunk and speed down the road in your car. What Beatles song are you blasting while doing this
Nicht schon wieder
Best song in the soundtrack?
r/PaulanerSpezi in den Nachrichten
One of us
One word
House Tuah
Can yall help me with that?
Is there a lore reason why this shot during “I am The Walrus” is low quality compared to the rest of the film