Jan van Aken der Macher
Unerwünschte Wahlwerbung der Hobbyfaschisten
Boomer sollen mehr Rente fr0her bekommen??
r/PaulanerSpezi in den Nachrichten
The foot prints in the snow didn’t melt
What game would you purchase at full price ($60+) if there was truly no other option to obtain them?
World map with each country as its own color
Linke und Grüne - Seid vernünftig
World map but every comment changes something, fuck this "top comment" bullshit. I want anarchy. Let the games begin
I'm migrating from Xbox to PC, is this everyrthing?
What PC runs do you think will be popular that weren’t in EU4?
I love Dubstep so fucking much
Should I change anything? I'm hard stuck in dragon spa.
Praying for you lot. ❤️
Our condolences, Hans 💔
Car drives into group of people at Christmas market in Magdeburg, driver arrested.
How can i improve my deck?
How am I supposed to beat off so many ?
Why does the USA always collapse?
Kann man Kommunist sein ohne verfassungsfeindlich zu sein?
GF: Wir bekommen keine Azubis mehr. Auch die GF ⬇️
Germany is fucked
An die Wähler*innen der Grünen - wen wählt ihr jetzt?
Same-sex relationships in Europe
how to turn researched tech's into production
Kängeru wurde von Polizei festgenommen!
Wusste garnicht, dass man die als Haustier halten darf