What made you choose Buddhism over other religions?
Have Buddhists used Buddhism to overcome an extremely painful past?
MIL's Buddha Statue
Translation 21 Tara praises into Urdu
My sketchbook
Are all the bad things that happen to you because of bad karma in past lives?
Anyone here deeply involved in Orthodox Christianity or Catholic Church but then moved onto Buddhism? What was your reasoning and why do you think people love Christianity?
buddhism makes the most sense, but seems sad
TikTok Buddhism is so dangerous
A beautiful picture I saw online ☸️
"Atea Company" Scam. Be very wary of foreign company offers, they're betting that you don't do research.
"Atea Company" Offer
Chi Blocking as a Sub-Bending Technique of the Air Nomads (Argument)
What is the origination of "cringe" and how does one reduce its effects?
Resources for Intermediate Listening comprehension (FR)
[OC] Who is the Big Bad of Your Campaign?
[WP] A zombie apocolypse is spreading and the world is starting to panic as populated places like the US, UK, and China are overrun by the undead. You however live in a relatively unpopulated country that is secluded from the rest of the world.
Women allege Buddhist retreat leaders in New York abetted systematic abuse
r/PhilosophyMemes Users Love All Philosophers Equally
[WP] After the Christian rapture happened, to everyone's shock, those left behind received a mark in the middle of their foreheads. It took decades to translate, but the result was horrifying: "Not fit for consumption"
[WP] Compared to the rest of the galaxy humanity is by far the friendliest. To many star systems they are considered "the good neighbor," and are known for their helpfulness. One day an oblivious system declares war on humanity, only to find half of the galaxy responding to humanity's plea for aid.
"respect the tradition"
StartingItemsGUI isn't working