Side by side of the Mona Lisa and La Gioconda del Prado: A Da Vinci student's replica, found in 2012, with details lost in the original
hair damage attributed to hijab
Getting diagnosed NOT autistic
Struggling with babies name
Are you too obedient when it comes to moral and legal rules? (A "good boy")
I hemmed an abaya by myself!
Sisters please pray 🙏
Religious ocd
Music and Movies
Why was Imam Ali born inside the Kaaba and not in a private place? Sorry if the question is offensive just curious to know
How are you girls maintaining ‘halal/chemical free’ manicures and pedis?
Why can we wear socks during wudhu but not nail polish?
help w/ hijab & modesty
AITA for deciding to cook for myself and not my husband?
Mother thinks a mobility aid would be "handicapping myself"
I wanted to share something about taking baths that I recently learned
Is this Disassociation?
AAC bracelets (the emoji ones)
I suffered a "persistent incurable pinworm infection" for months. Turned out I tricked myself into this suffering. Don't make this mistake!
Colorfriendly Rainbow?
Delayed color perception
Chronic pain cured
How do I stop overthinking?
Does anyone else get mistaken for a child on voice chat online?