Satpam kompleks lebih berguna daripada...
Ganti mobo laptop 47,6 jt di service center
What the fuck?
Double whammy
MMW: America will be underwater by 2018
Sedih gua liatnya, pada gk ngerti pre-order dan booking fee
How do I find and extract "App-provided sound" notification?
Pengalaman Jajan
I guess they dont even bother to change the description
Nama Kelompok (Opsional)
Maaf kita ubah 1 bintang
Your Liminal Fantasy is For Sale in Colorado for $280,000
sekolah gw barusan dapet makan siang gratis
I'm honestly shocked a lot of Indonesians are happy about the Los Angeles fire.
Regular [OC]
Universal Delays ‘Shrek 5’ to December 2026, Moves Up ‘Minions 3’ to July 2026
Roblox try not to be a pedo heaven challenge (impossible, 99.99% fail)
Kelas nyetir gratis dibayar mental
I hate Microsoft so much
Penyakit winlator gila
Polisi dari Polda Jambi ingin merazia hotel di Jambi namun ditolak oleh pegawai hotelnya
Guys, is the moon getting bigger? Nomyfactory
Ex WNI wanting to move back to Indonesia for good. Need advice