Sekedar info, barangkali ada yang belum tau kalo bayar pajak kendaraan bermotor bisa lewat online dan suratnya dikirim kerumah.
Why? I’m on the left and other player on the right
Do any of you use an external player? If so, why?
Nitro Complete Series
Rasanya apa? Wkwkwk
If you could only play one game
I am 31 tears old and i don't see a point in going on anymore
Satpam kompleks lebih berguna daripada...
I owe money to the mafia and I’m screwed long term
Am I the only one genuinely shocked about Muslims supporting slavery?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
That too during 4x star bonus
Has a video game ever made you appreciate life more?
Ganti mobo laptop 47,6 jt di service center
New Business idea guys
lain macam Konoha punya tunggang
Wish there was an option to romance her
Coretax jancok!
Fighters of the "Predator" brigade attacked a Russian soldier with an FPV drone while he was attending to natural needs in the toilet.
Laptop bujet maks 8.5jt
Full potential unleashed.
I smiled a bit everytime someone younger than 54 passed away
After 35 minutes of maintenance to fix the bug, my streak is still NOT fixed, great job sc
So we cant get glowy without spending gems
well I failed because the bug didn't get fixed
Mamaku bilang gaya pemerintahan Prabowo mengingatkan dia ke jaman orba, memangnya iya?