Too Many TOTY Players
Junior Fantasy Cards
Should I get a toty card?
Are star of the month sets gone ?
What card will you need to complete next week TOTY cards?
Who is the richest HUT player
For those that have work tomorrow away from home
What I expect the TOTY Collectible sets will look like(With a detailed explanation).
If there is no set for TOTY McDavid vs his charged xfactor. Will it be worth 1MM coins to get?
I see EA releasing same format as fantasy for ToTY,but to screw us over they will do 82+ then 84+ and then 86+. Where they can still say 3x 83s have same value as 1 85
I wouldn’t be so quick to say Makar is a “lock” for TOTY
Hut AH is like taking candy from children!!!
Lets go 3 straight different packs and i get all my players i voted for baby!😁
Team of the Year Preparation
Eriks Mateiko not getting a toty card for absolutely conquering hockey Canada just shows how incompetent this content team is.
Is this Ghost Pack any good?
4th Recchi, or finally Selänne?
1500 players fodder - Collection not working
Series 2 X factor
Do Not Trade in your HC Davos arena!
When does Season 3 start?
Petition to make Sale 99
YAY USA 🇺🇸 to 🥇game! Its gona be epic! Finland 🇫🇮 aint no pushover! its gona be a great game! But I wana win 2 straight golds for 1st time ever in WJs!
To the people saying the save i posted was caught in the net
Fantasy collectible question