Left-handed defender in the RD position
The real reason why they extended TOTY sets of the forwards: The packs are not selling.
Points error in store
Makar and Hughes TOTY trade in sets for cover athlete cards
87 x 3 packs
I think it would be cool and would keep toty cards interesting all year
Has anybody seen this one before?
Sets for TOTY
I'm crushed Bouchard is getting TOTY over Hughes
What to do once you run out of coins and fodder for TOTY?
I’m sorry but what now
How many TOTY Forwards have you built or plan to build?
Cost of 73-74 cards
If I have Kucherov XF but do a BND TOTY and get him. How fucked am I?
Please help me decide
No daily 5x collectible pack for toty?
Heise or MacKinnon?
My fodder was perfect
XF McDavid owners, are you making his TOTY?
Any idea when we get 4 nations jerseys in hut?
Release time for toty (and which time zone)?
For those that have work tomorrow away from home
Wildcard Mode…just with 3 Animals?
Kk stays hot +1
XFactor series 2