How screwed would the Imperium be without the Custodes?
Just got these for $200. Great deal but how do I strip the old paint?
First event tomorrow and there are multiple knight players.
A more aggressive Trygon
Knights list
So has anyone else felt the Need to share?
Brutalist Hotel Tower
He faced down a unit of Custodes, holding the center objective with six Disintegrator Pistols, Enaegic Dermal Bond, and a dream. That night I had to get this Desperado a hat.
WIP on a ship to ship boarding craft/torpedo I designed for space crusade- any thoughts on a name? Storm wing?
Never liked the Psychophage, but got this idea to make the base more dynamic and now I love it! Suddenly very hyped to paint it
The scourge of making scatter terrain. What's your go-to method?
I want to start a Imperial knights Army but I know a lot of people don't like facing Imperial knights what should I do?
Can a normal human defeat a normal tau without armor in hand to hand combat?
Viability of Doomscythes?
How does the Imperium treat alien races that are not sentient? Animals and plants etc.
Finished painting my Dantioch/Pre-heresy IW themed gym
Playing a 9000 point game 1v3. What should I take?
Need good Necron Names for my Doomsday Arks
New bug lover needs some advice
Curiosity killed the Cryptek
Finished my first Psychophage, lemme know your thoughts
Help - these chaos knight pilots?
Advice for a new Nids player
Did I get scammed
Do chaos space marines make new chaos space marines?