Someone held my lost cat for a “ransom,”… and then released her back outside.
AITA for refusing to “demote” my dog after my sister gave her baby the same name?
He faced down a unit of Custodes, holding the center objective with six Disintegrator Pistols, Enaegic Dermal Bond, and a dream. That night I had to get this Desperado a hat.
AIO or did I hold myself accountable in these messages?
I invited 15 of my closest Friends to my Birthday Party, but they didn‘t even reply to the invite and I feel so ashamed
Former Starfield lead quest designer says we're seeing a 'resurgence of short games' because people are 'becoming fatigued' with 100-hour monsters
Democrats blame Merrick Garland slow-rolling Trump investigation for election loss: 'Fatal mistake'
C'tan Shard of the Void eyeballing my Lokhust Heavy Destroyers
What should I get to round out my army?
A Critical Essay on Wind and Truth
What's something that's normal to us now, that in 50 years people will look back on us as barbaric?
Geography lesson about Pocatello Idaho
The grey tide is upon us
Some random dude gave me a usb while at a pub dancing
Trump Won Less Than 50 Percent. Why Is Everyone Calling It a Landslide?
Evan hit my heart
Gravy is the single most important thing on thanksgiving, and it's not even close
If you replace One Ring with Fable, how much worse does Energy get? Does it even stop being the best deck?
Dr Martens with suit?
status of our society
Can we all agree this scene was WILD!
Don't mess with people's food
Forged Weapons of Conquest Achievement bugged?
Me watching this sub turn into r/incels
TIL Canadians love Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and call it "Kraft Dinner". Most Canadians ignore the instructions and believe that they have a unique way of preparing the food, like adding wieners or cheese. It was created in the Great Depression and has been described as "Canada's True National Dish"