I can't escape thoughts of suicide
Approach 30 and scared
Work is getting hard. Things don't change
At what point did you give up?
I need advice or feedback
Giveaway 2x Path Of Exile 2 Early Access Keys
Giveaway LS Slayer, full build
Bama Giveaway
New player advice
Full MS of Zenith Build - Giveaway Raffle (gozu gear inside)
لقيت ده
Cholera outbreaks
End of League Giveaway Game.
How do you open up to people about being FA
End of league giveaway - 15 mil dps, 2mil EHP LS Slayer
Am i a hypocrite?
All I want to do is sleep. I feel terrible all the time. Total anhedonia. I’m worthless just want to die
Anyone feels the same way
احترس عطل فى حياتك
عايزة ابدأ streaming
هذه الكافره الزنديقه لماذا لا تأخذه وترميه من شاهق كما أمر ديننا السمح؟
مش لاقيه حد العب معاه
I am officially done. I no longer have a will to live.
اي الكلمات اللي الرجالة بيحتاجوا و بيحبوا يسمعوها !
هو طبيعي اكره الشخص الي كنت معاه بسبب حاجات قالهالي عنه