Work is getting hard. Things don't change
Feel like I’m the only one who regrets being sober..
Ban breast reduction surgery on day one. For the straight guys not for me.
It's crazy how you can't imagine what life is like without weed before you quit, but when you've been sober for a while, you can't imagine how you lived your life while high 24/7
Re-regulating the cannabinoid system after THC abuse
Took an edible after 84 days sober- what I learned
Re-regulating the cannabinoid system after life long THC abuse.
Semen retention 1.5 years, still no wife
I “overdosed” on FXE a few months ago, and am still dealing with side effects.
Anyone quitting altnoids?
Cannabis withdrawal symptoms
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, June 5, 2024
The Adam Friedland Show Podcast - Sam Tallent - Episode 42x
After being robbed
Hey sub, how many of you are from China or have been in China
Anything Worthwhile Available in store in Tokyo?
Warlock Staff Users
Why does Kratom get so much hate?
Got drugged in Ho Chi Minh yesterday. Stole my phone and Mastercard
Barefoot Trails in the UK
Stopping voice command from responding to computer audio
very little gains on 500mg test blast