How do I loose mrr even though I won the match?
How I saw the world as a kid (6-7 Years old)
What’s your warmup routine?
How to choose replay to upload for feedback?
Player since 2015... never traded before.
How do i get faster?
Quick tip that helped me become a bit more consistent
GC1 - Follow up from my last replay. What are the persistent issues ? (Haters will say I'm not GC)
How bad are these settings? Evidently I changed them when I first started and I’ve been playing on these for 300 hours.
Have fun or get better
why does nobody use chat anymore
How old was your kid when you build a pc together?
Can you reach GC with solo-q?
Tell me what title you use in rl and I’ll decide if you’re allowed in (answering every comment)
Another camera settings bad post?
Would you say that this is ok? (I want too start becoming better in freestyling and want to know if this is fine)
Looking for tips.
It be like that.
Is 165 hz IPS to 360 hz OLED worth it?
Just hit D2 with no mechs
Is the change to a ps5 controller worth it?
Why do some pros use a lower fov than 110?
I can't get out of Champion 2, any tips to improve?
You don’t need a car, you can just ____ everywhere.
What has been your longest losing and winning streaks in competitive?