Looking for tips.
Is it a good starting pc? No
New BO6 Launcher Camo Grind
Dark Matter on all 33 base game weapons… with a full time job lol
Wanting an upgrade!
Does the spam site “Level Lifters” in GTA 5 comments work?
Upgrading my 5700x
Just gauging how people are feeling, are you satisfied with this or are you still on the fence?
What’s your best “back in my day” newer players can’t experience
Let's go 😻
Need Group
Agoraphobic Champions
Looking for a group.
Shoot the Ship is ass
Damaged my front bumper and was wondering if this is the Center Grille or the Front Spoiler? (2017 MK7 GTI)
Black Emblems
A few shots of my new (to me) 2015 Mk7 GTI. I’m in love.
Mk7 Muffler and Resonator Delete
New to the GTI community, but here’s my Mk7.. :)
Buying MK7 GTI need info.
Only Fans
Discord (Most Recent)
[MW] Matchmaking and gun progress.
Suddenly [MW] matching is a huge problem.