How would libertarianism deal with full automation?
Tired of the Anti-capitalist narrative without even defining what capitalism is
Nothing is radicalizing me faster then watching the Republican party
If your friend got rich, what would you do?
Honestly, we'd be lucky if it's just another great depression
Racism, discrimination, slavery, feudalism, and capitalism.
Why should I be a socialist?
Legit questions
Classical and Orthodox Marxist view on Communist transition which differs from common narrative, mainly propagated by Stalinists.
Which is more natural, capitalism or socialism?
Trying to understand capitalism and socialism
ancaps and problem with contracts
Under communism, who is going to work for me?
Marx's labor theory of value: some definitions
Socialists, why do you think Socialism is a good idea? And do you have any evidence that it's a good idea?
Why bother raising wages and minimum wage if it raises inflation?
How is value made?
Karl Marx concluded that capitalism is fundamentally irreconcilable and must be supplanted by the working class
Is there a difference between luxuries and necessities?
Critical Thinking: Capitalist Apologetics And The Fallacy Of No True Scotsman, Moving The Goalpost, And Sorites Paradox
For believers in LTV - A thought experiment.
What flaws do you guys find in Market Socialism?
Do you understand the perspective of people who don't care about equality?
Is capitalism good or bad
What are the downsides of capitalism?