A German infantryman armed with an StG 44, wearing "splinter" camouflage and a ghillie cap in July 1944
Why bother raising wages and minimum wage if it raises inflation?
Inari shrine I found in the real world!
[All] PSA: Exploitation Is a Nonsensical Concept and Marxism Will Destroy the Economy
Megfontolandó az X linkek kitiltása a subról
A Kékestetőről és a Velencei-tótól is látszódna a Rákosrendezőre tervezett 500m-es felhőkarcoló
Under communism, who is going to work for me?
Life as a landlord in anarchy…
The whole pro-billionaire libertarian narrative of "Billionaires just have shares in their companies and don't really have that money and can't actually spend any of it" is bs, total crap, and you know it.
Trump to spend hundreds of billions of Tax Payer dollars to finance "AI" project whose main goal is to end American Jobs
Trump pulls US out of global corporate tax deal
Yangon wins Gold! What city is Silver?
“German unity is achieved but not completed…” with some arrows pointing east
Marx's labor theory of value: some definitions
Bernie Sanders welcoming Trump
Tehát színtiszta PR volt a leállás, Trump "megoldotta". Vagy már megvan az új tulaj?
Is you national flag controversial in your country?
A Tisza Párt szakértőinek egy része
Realistically speaking do you think you can survive red light green light?
Interjún egyből ajánlat
Why do capitalist extremists (e.g. ancaps, ultra-libertarians, minarchists) tend to ignore the flaws of free market systems?
Divat lett ráhúzni mindenre egy mentális betegséget?
If the average left-wing/socialist/Marxist got a great paying job (way above minimum wage) with a lot of opportunities for growth and unlocked a whole new lifestyle, would they still bash capitalism?
Were the workers from agriculture and heavy industry saved by the service sector from automation? What will happen when the service sector will be mostly outsourced?
Is socialism a conspiracy theory?