Growth Order of Cognitive Functions is Rather Messy from a natural flow of my type
Me as a 6 core having a 9 fix
Sharing my Typology pls tell me if there are contradictions
When you were first introduced to MBTI's, which types did you think you were before settling on your current one? (are you still kinda unsure or was it obvious?)
Which original top Heroes have now been overshadowed with the new ones?
New Skin
I feel like I dont belong to one type anymore Reason: More than one core wound
I blew up and made a rant post. I apologize.
What type says that?
Just a Random Reflection
What are the best attributes for POSR orbs/Realmpowers for each realm?
What’s your type & what’s your psychosophy type?
Has anyone's Space Q45 NC button malfunction as the power button?
E2 Metaphor
LII, EII, IEI..which one?
Any idea on when 2.7.0 is releasing?
OtherworldLegends v2.7.0 Preview 03 - Spatial Interstice—Deva Realm
I don’t understand enneagram 4
what's the most stereotypical unhealthy [type] thing you've done?
Amirite, peacemakers? :))
Otherworld Legends v2.5.0 update preview is here!
Otherworld Legends v2.7.0 Preview 01: Daily Activity & Quests Optimization
What are everyone’s favorite prompts to unfuck their life?
Character Tier List Results!
What do you think is this Poem's Type?