What's your enneagram and your Freudian type?
Hypothetical Situation: you’re the only person in the world
getting secondhand excitement
Please talk about yourself! Right here right now!! 👺
What’s your type & what’s your psychosophy type?
Why do you study Enneagram?
How do you behave at your worst? What causes this?
4s, what descriptions are most accurate to you?
*serious* Identifying as your type
Why are so many people faking being an 8??
What type would you most hate to be?
Positive traits of E6?
5s, what does trust look like for you?
What makes your type vulnerable to emotional abuse?
INTP wondering if I’m a type 5 or type 3. Advice appreciated!
What's your biggest pet peeve about the enneagram?
When did you realize that you were your type?
How to tell if you’re 6w5 or 5w6?
what's the most stereotypical unhealthy [type] thing you've done?
how do you guys feel about intervention in meltdowns due to self-harm?
just got my first absolutely bizarre comment
communication and decision making: speaking vs. writing