/r/PTCGP Trading Post
Does anyone see the world getting better, or is the consensus that we are going downhill?
Have any of the lies you told come true?
How can i sound more professional?
Are we actually supposed to go into work sick?
How many calories are in a fresh human poop?
Is it safe to eat (human) poop?
Why do people get offended by data?
Why do we shower with water?
Has anybody 'fixed' their poor posture?
Weird Subway Encounter: Two Teens Eagerly Wanted to Buy My Essentials Hoodie off my back. What’s the Angle Here?
How would i hide an egg from body search?
How to make a decision that has a huge impact on your life?
Why are some people foot obsessed?
Why have people been leaving Reddit in swarms lately?
Why do dogs eat so quickly ?
how to get karma? my posts are removed everywhere because of my low karma
Are people getting less grateful?
At what age do you have to accept the fact that you are old?
Why are (some) parents today against sleepovers?
Is Reddit your app of choice for random scrolling?