Why are (some) parents today against sleepovers?
Were horses in the late 19th century equivalent in price to cars today?
How big can a cut be before it can no longer heal?
Could the FBI use audio from a bug in your home as evidence against you if you were talking to your lawyer?
How do psychologists distinguish between which crimes are done through mental illness vs a completely "sound mind" ?
What movie would you say was the most ahead of its time?
How did we develop drugs like anti-psychotics before we knew how brains worked?
Could an employer fire an employee for being unlucky?
When did places stop pumping gas for you?
How small could a human be before they couldn't biologically function anymore?
Why are American Conservatives against Mexican immigration?
If you are on a deserted island, what's the optimal calorie to time ratio to make your food last as long as possible?
ELI5: What does it mean when scientists detect "gravitational waves"?
Could a piece of meat be so thick that you couldn't cook it all the way through without burning the outside?
How similar were the first universities compared to our modern ones?
What makes Kraft Mac and cheese taste like Kraft Mac and cheese?
Is there non-antisemitic portrayals of Goblins?
Why is old children's media inappropriate or dark compared to today's children's media, while old adult media was seemingly more tame?
How did Jazz become "academic"?
How often did duals end in draws?
Are TERFs radical because of their exclusion of trans women, or is their feminism considered the radical part?
Why is the common cold the one illness that socially acceptable to spread to other people?
Is MSG as versatile as salt?
How balanced are races in 5.5e compared 5e?
Are Stenographers going to be out of work soon with recent AI advancements?