What's your gerbils names?
Tips for getting over fear of crickets?
I dont know anything about fish
How to meet more people and make friends?
Why isnt there an arbys
Bethesda, make roofs actually roof
How many months after spinal fusion did it take you to return to work?
Do I have to call in for hidden fees? Or am I just bad at searching the website?
is it normal to have the go ahead to drive 2 weeks after L5-S1 fusion?
partner had his lumbar spinal fushion monday
partner is going for surgery on monday.
Our grand lady
aint no fancy guy, but could anyone tell me what he is?
Anyone have any ideas for how to bulk up a sweet potato (savory or sweet)?
Do YOU think you're attractive?
my beautiful chonky old lady, hildagarda
I don't like people telling me "It's okay to have one cheat day" and trying to pressure me into binge eating.
I’m gutted, just found out my husband is paying for an OnlyFans subscription
You’ve died, you don’t quite make it to heaven, God says your punishment is you have to spend your next life as a vegetable. Which one and why?
3 days away and I’m about to leave my husband, it’s bad ya’ll.
I think (most) people are only afraid of spiders because it became the norm.
I would actually use the Atomic Shop if the Bundle's weren't more expensive then Fallout 4
Ladies, regardless of sexuality, who was your first celebrity girl crush?
What’s the most hurtful thing your parents ever said to you?
I went to the dentist for the first time in five years thanks to this sub, and it wasn't too bad