Looking for Roleplay-Focused Players for a Collaborative, Mythic Adventure (D&D 5e assumed, open to requests if your group has them)
DM purposefully exacerbates conflict between players because he thinks it improves roleplaying, offers insincere apology months later for entirely self-serving reasons.
Idea: Reverse Chaotic
Did you prefer watching episodes where the focus was BattleDrome matches or Perim adventures?
Good short pyramid-based dungeon to adapt for Set's realm in Stygia?
Demons on the Material Plane
A Drow Outpost in the Underdark?
Can I get some suggestions on ceremonies or rituals that can be done in Shar's name without it being obvious?
Control the beast within and master your Wild Shape with the Circle of Lycanthropy v1, a gish subclass for the 5e Druid!
Name for a festhall+tavern
Mischievous Deities
Which alternate timeline character would you be most interested in seeing?
Concerns about leveling, skipping layers of hell, and ending
Confession: Reading the Brimstone Angels series… and liking it!
A God in mortal form enters Sigil
What’s the game you daydream of running?
Help with details on the name and/any lore for the parastic leeches found in Eldritch Liches? (x-post from r/spelljammer)
Help with details on the name and/any lore for the parastic leeches found in Eldritch Liches?
Researching Obscure Demons - Eye Demon?
A Socialist's Guide to Eberron
Underrated FR novels
Exploring the Forgotten Realms Through the Lens of R.A. Salvatore
Wendigo druid?
What to read for more info about Asmodeus and Baator.
Is the avatar saga worth reading?
Lost and Need Directions