Sleepy Wendy 😪 (ThunderThot)
" I miss my mom too." (mewmewdoppio)
"is it everything you dreamed of?" (blmulberry)
Netrunner David AU (Baby’s First Lockpicking)
He's going to be an interesting construct
Nothing else matters to bro but her dream😭🙏
Fanfic appreciation: Dont let me go by fool of_alchemy
What if Gravity Falls was an Early 20th Century Children's Book? [Art by TwoFoxes]
PEW PEW!! (Ironsiderodger)
I know (markmak)
Wish we could've gone to the moon together, Peg
I only have eyes for you ( CandyCatStuffs)
Kisses (reynaruina)
Made a animation with my David Nendo
How on Earth does NYC STILL have power?
POV: You’re about to get your life ruined (Zankasen)
Snow Cat Lucy (Tamaji)
Wendy underestimated how big the Big Dipper was (ThunderThot)
Mabel's new sweater!
What if Dipper stuck with Fords apprenticeship? (s3cretlyurdad)
Kiwi fans be like:
You Don't Make a Name as a Cyberpunk by How You Live
Little Baby - Wendipper by Avril-Circus on DeviantArt
Flowers of the Moon (baru_illust)