GUYS HELP!!! I got a vinyls player to play my favourite tay tay grailz but it came with this cool soft vynls bundled in. When I try to play it though it seems really unusually short and it makes very loud warmth noises. Is this normal for vinyls???
How do you all feel about letting your car run in the cold mornings? I know idling is frowned upon. But it seems like a few minutes wouldn’t hurt.
On a serious note: Happy Birthday, Dr Albert Hofmann
ULPT Request: How do I get a neighbor restaurant to stop playing loud music?
ULPT request - The apartment i rented has a faulty electric meter, so I'm not charged for electricity. How can i make the best use of this?
Is this normal for new home framing?
Water leaks from the handle when running. What am I look at for repairs?
How screwed am I?
No title needed..
How do people eat these things?
Rate my Father’s Raker Technique
Looking for a new trick bike. Is this good?
D.I.Y Skatepark
Decorating christmas cookies, listening to the game. Let's go Chiefs!!
What Mandela Effect do you swear by that it happened?
Mouse’s Ear Question
No locals
New to biking. Hope this is a friendly subreddit :)
Bike 🌟
God is a Chiefs fan
Is there a handtool that makes this profile?
Help me quit smoking reddit, be BRÜTAL, no mercy mofos, call your friends (self deprecating tobacco dropping method, will update) (added verification photo)
What were Gary's favorite ways to to ruin the holiday for everyone?
UFO formation over power plant in NC.
Boss uses ‘salt and pepper’ job interview test and refuses to hire anyone who fails