someone was thirsty
Chicken Waste
White Kitchen Walls
Shredded Chicken Yield
[R] Villa-Lobos - Cor dulce, cor amabile (SATB)
Villa-Lobos - Cor dulce, cor amabile (SATB)
Will Wheeler Peak, NM be icy in mid June?
I need ideas for a capstone project.
I’m a survivor of a false Title IX accusation at my college
My hot sub guy wanted to quit after getting this
Paper-like screen protector is damaging the tips of my Apple Pencil
How could this get any worse
I (m23) need to break up with my gf (f21).
made this
Reading this sub has made me fearful of ordering Jersey Mike's anymore
Help! I read through this piece a few years ago and I can’t remember what it is! Can you identify it?
Can anyone link some choral perfomances with all parts that include some incredibly low bass notes? I find really low bass exciting and am seeking out more songs to listen to.
It's the cambrian explosion!
Looking for group in Indianapolis area!
Its a jeep thing? (excuse my language I was upset)
Do student-teachers get drug tested?
Choral concerto for basso profundo literally shakes the earth
Looking for pieces that sound like these
MM in Choral Conducting
Over the past month, I've designed a summer/beach themed Apex collection called the "High Tide" event, this is what I've come up with [OC]