So they’re talking about Pauly and Jenni’s dance at the club, fun little convo. But the fact that Vinny wanted to reenact it with Pauly and not Jenni was…questionable lmaoo
1984 core. Didn’t care for it that much after my first watch, but once I gave it second try…it def made a spot in my top 3 fav seasons.
Imagine actually being at home and watching this on the news
When the friendships are pure 💖💚
What duo were you rooting for the most?
My favorite Ava scene in 11 seconds
Obviously the word had to be bleeped out for tv but because of the bleep, I remember watching back in the day confused like “she’s a what?” Haha
When you act in the show but you’re also a fan of the show
Vinnyyy... when they go to Atlantic city for Mike and Pauly's bday. Isn't it pretty random that he didn't want to do sex with the girl because Pauly was leaving? Is he gay nothing bad about it but he got me thinking lol. I
Someone grab the ass box
Ali mocking 212 was gold
S3 Robin and Steve > S4 Robin and Steve. They were more comfortable with each other in S4 but they were more entertaining together in S3.
I know it’s out of respect for Janine but I miss Ava flirting with Gregory lmao
Looking at yourself in the mirror after you lost 2 pounds
Did Angelina really put her face up a strippers ass
is melissa bisexual?
This will never not be funny lmaoo
Previous Rolls
Just started episode 5, I love how everyone is cheering for each other, really gives a sense of unity.
The irony of Ron saying all this back then lolol and Vinny isn’t much better
Lip takes 3-4 business days to spit out an apology. Like come on, bro faster lmao.
Forever hilarious. Imagine being told this right before you die lmfaooo
Ashley “where’s my Xanax?” Barrett
Brody core
Hook core