Fayetteville, NC had the 3rd highest increase in home prices (71.66% or an average of $129,631 to $222,528) since the start of the pandemic (out of all U.S. cities with over 200k people).
IT Service Desk Analyst, $47k a year, 6AM-2:30PM, in office, Medical Center. Should I take it?
My 76 year old grandpa, who I just met due to family issues, got his 2wd truck stuck in a river. My uncle and I had to drive 5hrs to pull him out
My dad passed and left me
happy as a baldy :)
Fast delivery
Commuting to college.
Am I the only one starting to hate it here?
If you could go back in time knowing what you know now, would you still go to college?
Walkers/hikers how do you protect yourself?
=SumByColor is not working.
THM is ok for CEH?
Does anyone else use a shoulder holster or am I the only one?
Help! It's been 7 hours since we brought this guy home from the rescue, but he won't leave his crate
Does anybody actually remember watching 9/11 in school?
Anyone use chatGPT for the 4th step inventory.
ChatGPT just played me like a piano
Things got crazy today — 40kg
Racist neo nazi boomer best buy freakout
Cleans and press form check
If Canada has a housing crisis, why don’t they build houses within the red circle?
I was just wondering if I could....
What do I name this?
No Sticks in Betaflight
I feel a relapse coming