Genuine question about motherhood
Taking baby out of the house
I was denied morphine after my c-section
When did postpartum bleeding stop for you?
How are you all eating?
Do you really have to wake up your newborn for feedings even of they’re asleep?
LO won’t latch unless sleepy
Is it really that hard to just not spank kids?
When/how often do you use pacifier?
I couldn’t do it
Will my baby forget me?
My baby is mixed fed (breast milk and formula) and I feel guilty giving him formula.
How many boxes of diapers do I need for each size?
Embarrassing Myself in front of Students
What do you wish you had for the first days postpartum?
Why do women offer advice on here?
Vent: home births
Moms, what are the little things you do to make yourself feel more human? The little luxuries you add to your day to get through it…
How do you manage feeds with husband?
What was the first place you took your baby to?
What age did you leave your baby overnight?
How was/is your pregnancy compared to your relatives?
what do you do while nursing?
Please help, I need some advice
Letdown too strong for baby?