What 360/PS3 game would you think be an amazing movie or show if made by the right people?
Looking for some recommendations based on my top 15! Thanks!
What’s a game you’d love so see get a remake
Which non-horror game creeped you out when you were younger?
Does anybody else love the smell of gasoline? Like a sweet poison 😆
Which TV show is a perfect 10/10 and has fewer than 30 episodes?
What is something popular that does not interest you at all?
Which is your favorite game over screen?
What’s your gaming guilty pleasure?
DAE eat certain foods in the exact same manner every time?
Finally playing Hades
Its 2nd week of January and how are you?
What makes you think you’re actually attractive?
Did anyone else have the Sidekick?
Which video game OST do you listen to regularly?
Seriously one of the best Star Wars games I've ever played
Munchos Are The Superior Chip
Hands down the greatest soda ever created..
I know i'm late but wanted to share my top 25 as a 17Y old gamer. What is your favorite one here?
Which Premier League player is your favourite, apart from those in your team?
Which video game is basically this?
I do love grits on a cold morning
Name a sequel or follow up that is better than the original
Which actor did a good job making you feel scared of their portrayal?