So... 5090 is a Paper Launch...
Wtf is this availablity
It seems 5090s at microcenter are going to be slim pickings for the launch
5090 and 5090 stock
Forget about it at Fairfax
50 series stock announcement!!
Nvidia learned from their mistake of showing off the weaker 4080 on launch, that became a 4070. Now there's only a 5080. You do the math.
Is there corruption going on with Spectrum in our city council? Where are the other isps at?
7900xtx buyers watching 5080 performance reviews
5090 - 4 - 5080 - 43
Why are 7900XTX readily available but anything Nvidia is sold out everywhere?
Got invited to a friend’s birthday party. just got the invitation and I have to pay $499 to make it and $250 if I bring a guest.
Let's be honest, it would be hilarious
Brentwood, MO Micro Center 50 Series Launch Campers
Nvidia GeForce RTX 5080 Review, 1440p & 4K Gaming Benchmarks - Hardware Unboxed
Indianapolis Micro Center for 5090
Sharonville lines update
After today's 5080 reviews, I lol even more at this
Nvidia: We expect significant demand for the GeForce RTX 5090 and 5080 and believe stock-outs may happen. NVIDIA & our partners are shipping more stock to retail every day to help get GPUs into the hands of gamers.
Is there a line forming at Charlotte location?
Are GPUs, especially flagship models, typically easier to obtain a couple of weeks after launch, or do they continue to be just as challenging to secure?
New homeless shelter outside Cambridge microcenter
What is the best sub for the fives?
5080 benchmarks are out. Source-Hardware Unboxed
Which game’s Golden Era can’t be replicated anymore?