Why the fresh hell is Trinket Trade at 1:30 AM
One year gone
holy shit dude these loud ass cars !!!
Grid Layout - Rectangles
Peel It Back: opening act discussion
Who would you want to to potentially be some of the opening acts for the rumored tour this year?
I was listening to the social network soundtrack and...
Is this sub completely anti-collecting?
Markers or techniques to avoid streakiness when coloring?
No thoughts, head empty
Help ease my anxiety about tooth filing?
how do I make animal ears?
Should i add this too my portfolio
The 12 days of Magfest
RIP DYLAN of Chemlab Fucking LEGEND
Azuki by me!
By Teresa Sharpe at Unkindness Art in Richmond, VA
Treadmill fitting like a glove
More pics(angles) of the “new” nekopara figs!
Sad Bear Coverup
Made my IRL friend make a fursona and drew it for her!
Long shot regarding “lost” soft moon songs
Whos the band closest to nin in sound?
What is the best and worst concert you've gone to and why?
Loved the Klaus Naomi reference!! It made me so happy to see the recognition.